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cloudLibrary offers a vast selection of e-books & audiobooks, including bestsellers. Borrow up to 7 books for 21 days, with 5 holds max.
Hoopla offers movies, TV, music, ebooks/audiobooks & comics. 21 day loans for ebooks/audiobooks, 3 days for movies. 10 check-outs a month.
Freegal lets you stream music, videos, & audiobooks. 5 songs/week, 1-week loan period, reset every Monday at midnight.
cloudLibrary offers a vast selection of e-books & audiobooks, including bestsellers. Borrow up to 7 books for 21 days, with 5 holds max.
Hoopla offers movies, TV, music, ebooks/audiobooks & comics. 21 day loans for ebooks/audiobooks, 3 days for movies. 10 check-outs a month.
Freegal lets you stream music, videos, & audiobooks. 5 songs/week, 1-week loan period, reset every Monday at midnight.
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What's Next January 2025
Check out our upcoming fiction titles being added to our collection!
Women in STEM
Explore inspiring stories of women in STEM, showcasing their groundbreaking achievements and contributions to science, technology.
Favorite LGBTQ+ YA Reads of 2024
Here are some outstanding YA books with LGBTQ+ themes that members of our staff enjoyed this year.
Picasso: the Man, the Mistresses, the Money
You may know Picasso’s art, but do you know the man? Enjoy these titles that explore Pablo Picasso's life & art.